Fritz 15 For Mac


6/25/2018 – ChessBase, Fritz & Co. are programs for Windows but they do also run on Mac computers if you install Windows, which is nowadays easy to do using, for instance, Boot Camp, Parallels, or VMware Fusion. We compare these three alternatives and describe how you can use them to install ChessBase on your Mac.

15 seconds WPS LAN WLAN Power LAN WLAN Power. 8 Button and LEDs LEDs. Enabled, the MAC address of the FRITZ!WLAN Repeater must be entered as an exception. In the presettings of the latest FRITZ!Box models WPS is en-abled, the SSID is visible and the MAC address filter is dis-abled. Buckingham Nicks is the only studio album by the American rock duo Buckingham Nicks. Produced by Keith Olsen, the album was released in September 1973 by Polydor Records. Buckingham Nicks is notable as an early commercial collaboration between Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, both of whom later joined Fleetwood Mac. The album was a commercial failure on its original release,. Fritzing is an free and open source initiative that aims to support designers and artists to to work creatively with interactive electronics. By using Fritzing, users can easily document their Arduino-based prototype and create a a PCB layout for manufacturing. In addition, the Fritzing utility enables. Download here the strongest chess program FOR FREE here: How to download Chessbase Fritz 15.

ChessBase 14 Mega package

Follow the World Champion and your chess friend next door. Start your success story with ChessBase 14 and enjoy your chess even more! In addition to the ChessBase 14 Program, the Mega Package contains:
• Access to the Live-Database (8 million games)*
• Mega Database 2017
• CBMagazine subscription for a full year (6 issues)
• Database-Update-Service through end of 2017
• Full year Premium membership for playchess and for the ChessBase Accounts

Windows on your Mac

If you want to install the Windows operating system on your Mac computer you first have to decide whether you want to use the free Boot Camp utility that is part of macOS or whether you want to buy a virtualization software package — to most popular are Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion. We had a look at the solutions currently available to compare their advantages and disadvantages.

1) Boot Camp

Boot Camp is provided free by Apple and splits your hard drive into two partitions, allowing you to install the Windows operating system and Windows programs on the second partition. If you choose this solution you can run Windows on your Mac natively and the desktop looks just like as if you had a Windows computer. All Windows programs run on it. To switch between macOS and the Windows operating system a restart is necessary.

2) Virtual Windows

The best-known programs in virtualization on Mac are Parallels and VMware Fusion, both of which, however, are not for free — you have to buy them. Virtualization programs run the Windows operating systems in an application window on macOS. To start a Windows session you do not need to restart the Mac. You can also transfer data between the virtual operating system to your macOS via drag and drop.

3) Combination of Boot Camp and a virtual operating system

Please note that no matter whether you use Boot Camp or a virtual solution (or both: that's possible!) you still need a license for the version of Windows of your choice.

Boot Camp

  • Boot Camp allows a real Windows installation and thus offers maximum performance
  • Boot Camp is a native, free software component of Apple. You can download it directly from the Apple page
  • Boot Camp allows the use of two completely independent operating systems (macOS and Windows) on one Mac computer
  • The Windows interface can be used as if it had been installed on a real Windows computer
  • Easy and simple handling of both operating systems after the computer is divided into an Apple and a Windows partition
  • Users for whom 3D graphics are important, fare better with Boot Camp
  • Boot Camp installs graphics cards as if it would be an ordinary PC
  • The installation requires several steps and might appear a bit complicated for users with little computer knowledge — but don't worry — we show how
  • To switch between the installed operating systems you have to restart the computer when using Boot Camp
  • With Boot Camp it is not possible to install more than two operating systems

Here's an example of how your starting screen might look if you installed the Windows operating system:

Desktop of Windows 10 installed in its own partition on a MacBook

If you open our programs in this system it looks as if you would work on an ordinary Windows computer.

Virtualization programs: Parallels, Fusion & Co.

To beginners, virtualization programs such as e.g. Parallels Desktop might at first appear a bit complicated. But after getting used to them they offer more may appeal more to regular Mac users than Boot Camp (on its own). Under a virtualization program, a Windows system runs like an additional, though very large program under macOS.

Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion allow to choose between various operating modes: you can run Windows entirely in a separate program window or you integrate Windows into OS X. Parallels Desktop calls this mode 'Coherence Mode', while VMware refers to it as 'Unity'.

Here, the program window of a Windows program seems almost like another Mac program. The data exchange between Mac and PC also works without problems.

Another alternative: An indivudal user can use the free program Virtual Box. But this software is far less comfortable than its competitors for which you have to pay. Virtual Box uses the PC operating system like an additional Mac program and can operate Mac and PC programs at the same time.

  • More flexibility
  • Parallel use of Mac programs and Windows programs
  • The entire virtual system is saved in one single file. This makes it easy to copy this file to another Mac and to work on it
  • A machine with two operating systems that function at the same time and in parallel
  • It is not necessary to restart to switch between Mac and Windows
  • You can immediately start ChessBase 14 or Fritz without having to reboot your system or having to leave your Mac programs
  • In Parallels Desktop, if you use Boot Camp already for other Windows programs you can simply integrate the Windows partition
  • Smooth synchronisation and unproblematic exchange of data between Mac and Windows with the help of cloud storage devices
  • Virtualized operating systems are also easier to maintain
  • It is possible to install several operating systems or to install two or more virtual systems on the same Mac
  • It is easy to limit the use of certain hardware components (the number of processors, RAM, video memory, a network adapter) on a virtual system
  • It is possible to choose which folders are visible for Mac and vice versa
  • Virtualization programs have purchased separately
  • Getting to know them might require some time
  • The performance of the Mac might be affected
  • Virtual systems can become quite large
  • Virtual systems require a lot of RAM
  • Virtual systems also require a virus scanner

Here's how the screen might look like if Parallels Desktop is installed and you use our programs:

The 'virtual' Windows operating system integrated on iOS

If you now opened a live games broadcast with ChessBase 14 it would look like this: via ChessBase 14, opened with the virtual system 'Parallels'

By default virtualization solutions often have only one single processor core which might lead to unusual benchmark results. It is possible to activate the use of several processor cores but this slows the Mac system down and offers few advantages.

Fritz 15 For Mac Download

The reduced resources might affect the use of ChessBase programs in the virtualization. Fritz and ChessBase usually use as many cores as possible. However, tests run by our developers showed that even computing-intensive tasks were no real problem. The only thing that seemed to be a bit slower was the graphics performance.

If you already created a Windows partition with the Boot Camp assistant on your hard drive you can still additionally install a virtualization program. For this you can also choose to import the Boot Camp partition.

If you opt for the pure virtual solution with Parallels or VMware Fusion, you would save the Windows operating system locally in the Apple system and then call up the visualization program.

Recommendation: For best results, try it with Boot Camp (unless you do not want to split your hard drive into two partitions). Our experience so far has been that it works without any problems.

Installing Windows 10 via Boot Camp

Here are our notes on the installation process of Windows 10 on a MacBook with Boot Camp:

With the native program 'Boot Camp' you can install Microsoft Windows on your Apple Mac in just a few steps. Thanks to the Boot Camp Assistant, which is already preinstalled on your MacBook, this is much easier than it sounds at first glance. The Boot Camp Assistant guides you through all steps of this process clearly and quickly.

All explanations and suitable download links can be found on the Apple support page!

Step by step

Below, step by step instructions with a few tips that might be helpful

Before you can install the Windows operating system on your MacBook using Boot Camp, you first have to download the latest version of Windows from the Microsoft site. Important: You need the so-called 'ISO file'. (Currently, this would be the ISO file of Windows 10. Stand 11.06.2018)

Microsoft offers the download of ISO files. You have to choose which version you want to download, which language you prefer and whether you use a 64 or a 32-bit system. You can find this information by clicking on the Apple icon and clicking 'About This Mac' in the drop-down menu. There also appears information about which type of processor the Mac has.

For example, our ChessBase MacBook Pro has a Core i5 processor, a 64-bit system

However, virtually all Mac computers produced after 2006 have 64-bit systems. Apple switched to 64-bit OS before Microsoft did!

Just in case, here is a list of which Intel CPUs (processors) have which bit-systems:

Intel Core Solo - 32 bit
Intel Core Duo - 32 bit
Intel Core 2 Duo – 64 bit
Intel Quad-Core Xeon – 64 bit
Intel Core i5 – 64 bit
Intel Core i7 – 64 bit

Wenn Sie Windows 10 heruntergeladen haben, kann es losgehen mit der Installation!

Open the Boot Camp Assistant

Boot Camp Assistant will guide you on your Mac by installing Windows. Open this app from the Utilities sub-folder in the Applications folder. Then follow the instructions on the screen to repartition your boot volume and load the associated software drivers for Windows.

Attention: In some cases, you need a USB stick with at least 8 GB of space for the image of the operating system for the installation of Windows. The stick is initially formatted during the process by Boot Camp's installation wizard (that is, data on the stick is completely erased and then rewritten!). However, when we did this process on the ChessBase MacBook, a USB stick was not needed.

Setting the partition sizes — an important step

As part of the process of installing Windows through Boot Camp, you can conveniently set the size of the Mac and Windows partitions you want on your hard drive with your mouse when the Assistant prompts you. ('Create a partition for Windows' / 'Setting up a partition for Windows').

Roughly speaking: The area for the Windows operating system and the Windows programs (for example, ChessBase 14 or Fritz 16 and possibly even more Windows programs, if you want), must have enough room to fit comfortably on this part of the hard disk. The same applies to the macOS partition and the programs to be installed on it. That's why you can decide it best individually and choose the respective partition size of the Apple and the Windows operating system tailored to your needs.

You can see the two partitions whose size you can and should set yourself by moving the boundary between the two


You can freely set the size of the Mac partition. On the screenshot to the left is the 'macOS' (the icon with the two faces), i.e. the Apple partition. The right part (provided with Windows icon) is the Windows partition. You can easily resize both partitions. Here's how to do it: Just 'drag' it with the mouse (click on the point between both partitions and hold down the mouse button to move the partitions to the left or to the right). If you drag the point with the mouse to the left, the Windows partition gets bigger and to the right accordingly the Mac partition.

Do not worry! As long as you have not yet clicked on the 'Install' button (bottom right, greyed out in the picture above), you can move the partitions back and forth until you are sure which partition should be larger.

ISO image

Before you can save the partition size, you still need to specify the location to install Windows via 'ISO Image' file you downloaded. Click on the 'Select' button and then chose the partition. The only correct one you will recognize immediately because it should have the word 'BOOTCAMP' in the name:

'BOOTCAMP' is in the name, highlighted in blue

The Windows operating system is then installed in the next step.

Attention: Once you have saved the settings, it is no longer possible to subsequently resize a partition after installing Windows on the MacBook. However, in an emergency, you can remove the partition and create a new partition of the correct size. Do not try resizing your partition with Windows or a third-party program.

An example of partitioning

Our ChessBase MacBook Pro (from 2015) has a 500GB hard drive. We have made the division so that the greater part remains for the macOS partition and for the Windows partition we have chosen 150 GB. One of our programmers said to me that you could do with 120 GB, maybe even a little less, but that it's always good not to take chances. You have to keep in mind that once you have divided the hard disk into two partitions, it is no longer possible to change the size afterwards, so it's better to have a bit too much than too little space allocated.

After completing the setup of the Windows operating system using the Boot Camp Assistant, you can start installing and using Windows programs on the Windows partition.

Switch between macOS and Windows

After installing Windows and the Windows support software, you can switch back to macOS using the Boot Camp system tray icon in Windows. To change the operating system, a restart is necessary!

Important: When powering up the MacBook, press the power button (at the top right corner of the keyboard) and the '⌥ Option' (i.e. 'alt') button at the bottom left (third button from the left):

Hold down the option key while and after pressing the power button

You can release the power button when the MacBook starts, but keep the 'option' key pressed for a few seconds longer until you see the screen where you can choose in which operating system you want to start the device. It will look like that:

In case you are working directly with Boot Camp, you should now select the Windows environment (that is, click on the right part in the view above) to install and use ChessBase, Fritz or other Windows-based programs.

Try the ChessBase Account

Lastly, while no native Mac version of ChessBase is currently planned, our Premium web applications are already quite capable and will continue to improve alongside our Windows applications.

If you're a Mac user, you may find that much of what you would like to do in ChessBase, can be accomplished on via your browser. You can get started easily by registering an account, absolutely free. In fact, you can get a free 3-month Starter account and the full-featured Premium account starts at just €4.99 per month, and is bundled with many of our popular Windows programs.

At the airport, in the hotel or at home on your couch: with the new ChessBase you always have access to the whole ChessBase world: the new ChessBase video library, tactics server, opening training App, the live database with eight million games, Let’s Check and web access to




11/25/2015 – As you may have noticed – if you pay attention to the info screen that appears the first time you come to our news page – the latest 64 bit multiprocessor version of our flagship program is now available. Not only is it stronger than any Fritz we have previously released, it also has some amazing new training features. And it gives you access to the great new ChessBase Account World.

Komodo Chess 14

Fritz 15 For Mac Computers

Last year Komodo won the world championship title on two occasions and can call itself '2019 World Computer Chess Champion' and '2019 World Chess Software Champion'. And the current Komodo 14 has been clearly improved over its predecessor!

Fritz 15 64 bit multiprocessor version

Today the new Fritz 15 has been released – you can order the Fritz 15 DVD in the ChessBase shop. Or the download version, which allows you to install and test the new Fritz immediately. But what about Deep Fritz 15? There is no such thing, because Fritz 15 is already a multiprocessor version! Theoretically, the Fritz 15 engine can use the computing power of up to 2048 cores simultaneously.

Fritz 15 – new Fritz, new friend

Enjoy many exciting hours with your new training partner: Fritz 15! The completely reworked “friend” mode makes Fritz 15 the ideal training partner. During the course of a game, Fritz is able to constantly tailor its level to your playing strength and to how much time you are using. The program can give you a sign when a tactical opportunity presents itself, or point out typical mistakes to help you improve.

Another exciting element is the new evaluation function that analyzes your playing skill throughout the game. Where are your strengths, where are your weaknesses? The opening? Middlegame? Or perhaps the endgame? Fritz 15 gives you an Elo rating for all three phases! You definitely need to see this!

Improve your conversion technique

“I should have won that!” How often have you been frustrated after playing a good game of blitz on that somehow went wrong? Stoke your curiosity and find out what could have been with Fritz 15 – Fritz can now show you what you missed right after the game. You can, of course, also try to find the way to win yourself using the handy exercise function – an approach certain to boost your own conversion technique and playchess Elo!

New author, new engine

Vasik Rajlich is new to the Fritz team. The American shook up the world of computer chess just a few years ago, reaching the top with his program, “Rybka”. He is the author of the new Fritz 15 engine, so there’s no question that it will be one of the world’s strongest. The Fritz 15 engine is a multiprocessor version and can theoretically use up to 2048 cores!

The ChessBase Account – discover the whole ChessBase world with Fritz 15!

Fritz 15 offers direct access to the server and to the many new ChessBase web tools: the ChessBase video library with hundreds of training videos, the tactic server with more than 50,000 exercises, the brand new opening training App, the live database with 8 million games, Let's Check, etc.

You can access all that directly from Fritz 15! The delivery of Fritz 15 includes six months premium access to the ChessBase accounts. Just log on with your playchess account and get to know the new sides of the ChessBase world!

'Video' – the ChessBase video library

The new ChessBase Video Library is the comprehensive web archive of all chess broadcasts shown on the Playchess server during the last years. It includes highlights such as Daniel King's 'Power Play' show, Karsten Müller's 'Endgame Magic Show' or TV ChessBase. Currently about 300 videos are online and the number is constantly growing! Highly recommended: 'Move by move' with Daniel King or Simon Williams.

Repertoire training

What is the best way to remember all the lines of your opening repertoire? By playing them on the board! That is one idea behind the new interactive 'Openings' tool: you first enter the lines of your repertoire (the server automatically saves your repertoire for later sessions) and then you can actively practice the lines – move by move.

But that is not all: when entering your repertoire the Live Book helps you with an extensive and up-to-date overview of all opening systems including statistical evaluations! Chances are good that you will soon discover attractive alternatives to your current repertoire in the Live Book. Have a look at it! Stay curious and enlarge your opening knowledge in a playful way.

My server games and more

'Shall I show you my games?' With the MyGames Cloud and a browser this is a matter of seconds. Just log on to 'MyGames' and you will get a list of your games. For example, you will find all the games you played with your account on Playchess. If you have ChessBase 13 the databases from your ChessBase cloud will also automatically be offered to you!

Show your chess friends your most beautiful games. Analyse them together or let Fritz Online search for improvements.

'Training' - Sac, sac, mate!

Practice makes perfect! 90% of all chess games are decided through tactics. Improve your tactical power with the new Tactics App! More than 34,000 training tasks await you – a varied mix from one-movers to more complicated tests with quiet moves! Here you can see all patterns and tricks you might encounter during your next tournament game.

'Live Database' – immediate access to eight million games

The 'Live Database' offers access to games from the whole history of chess up to the most recent grandmaster games. Enter moves of a variation on the board and one mouse click tells you which masters play this line. The opening book tells you which moves are the theoretical mainlines and where promising sidelines are hidden!

Always up-to-date: every week the Live Database is updated with the newest games. You don't have to worry about editing the games or updating your database. Every year more than 200,000 games are added to the Live Database, and you will probably not even notice when it happens!

Order Fritz 15 now!

Fritz 15

Languages: English
EAN: 9783866815056
Delivery: Download, Post
Level: Any
Price: €69.90 or €58.74 without VAT (and for customers outside the EU)

What does the modern chess player need? A sparring partner, a trainer, an up-to-date database and access to an online chess server! Fritz, probably the world’s most popular chess program (think back to Fritz’s unforgettable victories against Kasparov, Kramnik & Co) offers just that for beginners and tournament players alike: it plays at the highest level, offers training features for every stage of the game and comes with access to It also includes management and analysis options for your own games, as well as a database with two million games.


Books, boards, sets: Chess Niggemann


Zapu 11/3/2016 12:02
Is there a Mac version in the pipeline?
szango 2/24/2016 05:47
On how many computers you can install Fritz, 15. I have 3 laptops ?.
XADREZRESTINGA 11/27/2015 12:38
Leonardo vinagre é compatível, basta ler os requerimentos mínimos, até nas versões mais obsoletas como o
windows XP e windows 7 corre muito bem!
leonardo vinagre 11/27/2015 12:07
Ele é compatível com Windows 10?
amazme1 11/26/2015 09:54
Would like to buy this software, but since switching to MAC I can't. Hopefully Chessbase will have future versions of their software that either run on the OSX platform or Steam.
lucifuge 11/26/2015 10:42
I haven't bought Fritz for many versions. It once had an automatic annotate feature for a game based on a threshold you set. It would write text as well as chess moves. Can this still be done?
genem 11/26/2015 04:44
Still wish that in the Fritz 15 user interface, its whole game analysis of every move offered additionally to show what the color that is Not on-turn would move (and what the resulting centipawn evaluation would be), if magically it was that color's turn to move again (as when the Null move is used).
Nice to see Vasik Rajlich back in the action.
Exclam 11/25/2015 09:16
Anyone know how you can obtain your ELO rating on openings, middlegame and endings as mentioned above. Haven't been able to figure out what functions to use, unless they are simply referring to opening training, endgame training and middlegame training. Reading it above I assumed it meant it was going to evaluate your game and give you the elo ratings of each stage. If anyone knows please share.
walirlan 11/25/2015 09:06
Hello Chessbase. Is there any discount for those who bought previous versions? I have purchased Fritz 13 version. Please, let me know.
nelsonmunoz 11/25/2015 05:03
run into 32bits laptop?
thirteen 11/25/2015 04:55
If you check on which is the site where they test engines vs engines, you will see that Deep Fritz 14 is currently the best rated Fritz [currently at number 20 in the world] and that it says they display and test only the 'best variation' of each maker. It could be that Fritz 15 is 'one of the best in the world' but is deceptively not stronger than Deep Fritz 14 for playing strength, other new/great facilities aside.
Nordlandia 11/25/2015 04:41
Fritz 15 first impressions: very good and the extra features is neat.
ybrl2 11/25/2015 01:04
Any chance of a Mac OS X version? 😀
Fritz 15 For Mac
CID64 11/25/2015 01:04
+ easy access to chess base account,Monte Carlo analysis,graph in friend mode
- no sparring with old 'very easy,easy,normal,hard,very hard'module,no way to log out the blinking light vhen the computer make a bad move.In a real game,my opponent don't say me:'Hey,I made a mistake,here you have a combination !'